
At 71, John Leventhal Releases His First Album, Embracing New Challenges

Published January 25, 2024

Legendary producer and Grammy-winning musician John Leventhal has embarked on a new venture at the age of 71, releasing his very first solo album titled 'Rumble Strip'. While Leventhal is no stranger to the music industry, having produced for renowned artists and winning multiple awards, his solo album marks a new chapter as an individual artist.

Decades of Musical Influence

John Leventhal's contributions to the music scene span over four decades, collaborating with influential musicians and producing hits that have resonated with audiences. A notable contribution is his work on Shawn Colvin's 'Sunny Came Home', which met with great acclaim. Furthermore, Leventhal has worked alongside artists such as Rosanne Cash, Marc Cohn, and The National, immersing himself in the soul of the New York music landscape.

The Birth of 'Rumble Strip'

The concept of a personal album brewed over time for Leventhal, with the pandemic serving as a catalyst to finally realize it. 'Rumble Strip' is an eclectic mix that resonates Leventhal's roots-oriented musicality, largely instrumental but featuring vocal duets, including with his wife, Rosanne Cash. The process revealed the challenges of presenting himself as the main artistic subject rather than being the guiding force behind other artists.

Introspection and Audience Expectations

Leventhal, candid about his journey, acknowledges that his younger self might not have produced something of true depth, a testament to the value of experience he has now integrated into his work. With 'Rumble Strip', he prioritizes personal expression over audience expectations, exploring his own voice in a musical landscape where instrumental records are a rarity.

The album stands as a testament to an artist's evolution, showcasing a mature voice seasoned by years of experience within the ever-changing tapestry of music.

debut, album, musician