
Iowa City Bands Compete Energetically for Spot at Prominent Solshine Music Festival

Published February 19, 2024

On a buzzing Saturday night, the top floor of Gabe's in Iowa City was electrified with enthusiastic fans eagerly watching six beloved local bands compete for an esteemed opportunity. The prize at stake: a chance to perform at the much-anticipated Solshine Music Festival held in Illinois come May, which features headliners like the electronic music maestro deadmau5, house music DJ John Summit, and the rock band Goose, among others.

Eclectic Sounds and Spirited Performances

The evening commenced with Kobe Williams and the Fantasy channeling the vigorous vibe of the '60s through their blues rock melodies. Following that, indie band 28 Days Later connected deeply with the audience, while Worst Impressions commanded attention with their fervent original compositions. Fishbait's funky metal groove and striking costumes stirred up the crowd further, leading to the night's first mosh pit.

From Charm to Chill

Reggae Rapids eased the mood with their chilled beats and sax solos, setting a relaxed contrast to the high-energy rock dominating the night. Finally, Dolliver concluded the show, leaving a lasting impression with their smooth indie tunes.

A Winner Emerges

As the concert drew to a close, fans voicing their choice crowned Worst Impressions as winners of the night. The band, thrilled at the opportunity ahead, now looks forward to bringing their zestful performance to Solshine Festival's stage in a display of their continued rise in the music scene.

competition, music, festival